Lost City

Invitations inside small gold treasure chests are left in participants rooms inviting them to meet in the hotel foyer for a transfer to tonight’s mystery dinner.

The coaches arrive in total darkness, and the only light seen, is flickering from jungle torches.

Participants are met by “Indiana Jones” who will be their host tonight. To give them strength in their search, participants find a clearing where jungle juice cocktails are served.  A golden goblet overflowing with jewels is a sign the party is on the right track.

The night sky is suddenly awash with light as fireworks explode in the most dramatic display of colour, leaving participants in awe, and the company logo burning in the night. The culmination of the fireworks sees the Jungle Dwellers spring from the surrounding forest, to capture everyone, and proceed to set fire to two trenches to signal that it is time to move on.  The flames reveal a cave entrance and participants are encouraged to enter. Once on the other side they find a clearing scattered with old ruins, rainforest flora and vines.

Here the costumed inhabitants of the Lost City light flares and candles whilst electric light illuminates the surrounding forest.  Indiana is bundled into a bamboo cage at the side of the stage among the fallen ruins and participants are encouraged to take a seat. The tables and chairs are covered in black and gold with large vine-draped Bamboo and candle centrepieces.

 Lost City inhabitants provide background music during dinner.  After entrée,  the Lost City Flame spirits emerge to perform 15 minute mesmerising  flame show before disappearing into the  ruins.

After main course a commotion on stage reveals the Goddess of the Lost City.  Like a Phoenix, this golden beauty rises to the stage.  She welcomes everyone to the Lost City and signals the beginning of tonight’s celebratory party.  The night is set on fire as one and all are encouraged to join the band and dance the night away.  As the night draws to a close Indiana finally escapes his prison and encourages the participants to flee with him to the waiting coaches.