"A flash of leg, the taste of gin, the smell of corruption, and things that go bump in the night. Anywhere else it would be a crime, but this is Chicago."
The invitation this evening will be in the form of a feather boa and a silk purse for the ladies and a boater hat and bill folder for the gentlemen.
Cast your minds back to the year 1920, the era of Al Capone - and this is where our evening begins. The city is Chicago — The Windy City, home to both gangsters and the Mafia not to mention the Blues Brothers of more modem times.
As you arrive you will hear the authentic sounds of our very own 1920’s jazz band setting the scene for the evening whilst you and your guests enjoy your pre-dinner drinks. If you are alert you will spot a couple of infamous looking characters lurking around suspiciously — could be gangsters — could be detectives — all will be revealed over dinner.
Once you and your guests are seated the real fun begins as the Gangster show starts in true Prohibition style. With shoot outs and car chases this is a Murder Mystery with a difference — it’s gangster land and you are in the middle of the feud between Al Capone and the cops. May the best man win!
After Dinner – CEO will deliver his inspirational speech, followed by the highlight of the evening – the handing out the Awards.
As the Prohibition act draws to a close it is time to sit back and enjoy the best in Twenties dancing as we introduce ‘Sophistication’, four lovely young floozies brought to you all the way from Chicago - performing a variety of dances including the famous Charleston.
As ‘Sophistication’ leave the stage it is time to drag you from 1920s Chicago up to the more modem times of the Blues Brothers. As our Jake and Elwood take the stage you will be stunned by their music, dancing and vitality on stage, giving you the chance to dance to all you favourite songs from the Soul era.
For those not so light of foot there is the lure of the gambling den, with low lights, plenty of smoke and shady looking characters you will have the chance to try your luck at the card tables. Woe betide you if you cheat — the Mafia will not punish you lightly!!
There is only one way to finish the evening off and after all the excitement of the night a good old fashioned DJ will bring this amazing evening to an end — and you would be gangsters and molls can return to the lives you know!
(if using real money for the gambling is not an option we will produce ?? Francs for the gambling use and at the end of the night we will run an auction where the players can use their ?? Francs to bid for the mystery objects inside the envelopes. The prizes inside the envelopes will be a surprise at the end of the night)