Participants will find in their rooms their very own Abba CD with an invitation to a Disco Revival night and a request for them to dress in their best 70’s gear! 

After following instructions on their invitations, participants will arrive to find draped fabric blowing in the wind with a Heli pad and a replica helicopter cockpit before them. Staff dressed in white jumpsuits as Freida, Anna, Bjorn & Benny will be offering beverages and canapes and will also offer participants a perfect photo opportunity, just like the album cover.

After pre dinner drinks participants enter the Pavilion through glass beaded curtains and find the ceiling is a sea of floating mirror balls suspended at varying levels over the tables. The tables are dressed with white linen cloths, spiral pattern overlays and lava lights as the centerpieces. With the chairs dressed in white Lycra covers and coordinating ties, psychedelic lighting projecting all around and the tunes of “Mamma Mia” filling the room participants will relish in the ultimate 70’s/80’s flashback!!  

Once guests are seated and entrée's are served the “Queen of the Desert” minibus, complete with floating banners and a Drag Queen Trio on top enters the Pavilion and commences a fabulous Abba revival song.

Following main course, it’s time to get participants up on the floor and grooving with the Abbasolutely Fabbaulous band or Abba and Beyond Band as the emphasis for this evening is funky and fun.  To ensure more participation from delegates a karaoke machine will work well with the band. There is no better way to step back in time than to laugh, groove and be hip!